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 Other relevant news: 

        • The 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 Financial Statements of the Vanuatu Government have been compiled by the Ministry of Finance and audited by the Vanuatu National Audit Office. The Audit Opinion is contained in each of the respective Financial Statements.
          See the link below to download a copy in English (French translation coming soon).
          The 31 December 2022 Financial Statements have been compiled and submitted to the Vanuatu National Audit Office. These are currently being audited.
        • Stimulus Package - Wage Subsidy Scheme update: 13 September 2022
        • Stimulus Package - Wage Subsidy Scheme update: 22 August 2022
        • Public Financial Management (PFM) Improvement Roadmap 2022-2026
        • Pre-Election Economic & Fiscal update report: English 2022
        • Pre-Election Economic & Fiscal update report: French 2022



March, 2019 The latest round of economic surveys focused on the outer islands and included the provinces of Tafea, Shefa, Malampa and Sanma. The surveys were conducted during the period of March - April 2019. The survey focused on key sectors such as agriculture, industry, tourism, retail and wholesale, real estate and cooperatives.

Individuals, businesses, and other organisations that participated in the survey were assured prior to meetings that the confidentiality of information supplied would be used for the purpose of the survey. What follows is a summary of these meetings with the intention of providing an overall overview on specific sector developments1. While Treasury’s evaluation of the overall economic outlook is informed by findings from these surveys, a much wider range of information and data is used to ensure a rigorous assessment of the Vanuatu economy.


The rate of growth continues to remain strong in the Vanuatu economy in 2018 outturn and 2018 estimate and is expected to remain strong, albeit to a relatively slow pace for only a few key sectors over the next few months, which leaves the outlook for the first half of 2019 on a decelerating trend. The wholesale and retail trade including hardware, plus the banking and finance continue to grow but at a slower rate, which is also an indication of a weak consumer demand.

On the other hand, a few sectors are expected to continue to grow strongly throughout the first half of this year including, kava, telecommunication and hotels and restaurant. In addition, construction is expected to grow but at a relatively slow rate, supported mainly by government investment projects however delay in implementing these projects will have an impact on the current forecast.

Download the full report below 

Economic Survey for Sanma, Malampa, Shefa and Tafea

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Ministry of Finance and Economic Management (MFEM)
Department of Finance and Treasury (DoFT)
PMB 9031
Port Vila
Vanuatu, South West Pacific
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